Mono Grande | Offshore Trip, 1 Night (Max 6 People)

Mono Grande | Offshore Trip, 1 Night (Max 6 People)
Ab USD 6.200,00 $
  • Dauer: 2 Tage (ca.)
  • Produkt-Code: MG1DAY


Late afternoon depart from dock, slow cruise to fishing grounds

Next day - Fish sunup to 1:00pm, return to dock at cruise 

INCLUDES: transportation to and from the marina; hot lunch (full and 3/4 days only); beverages: beer, soft drinks, water; snacks; captain and crew; bait and tackle; fuel. Price includes local VAT of 13%

DOES NOT INCLUDE: air fare; ground transportation; fishing license ($15 per person); taxes; tips. Our crew works hard to provide you the best possible experience. It is customary to provide them with tips. Thank you!